We are well into 2023, nevertheless...
Happy NEW YEAR fans of Ace junkyard and Bill Kennedy!
We had some great rough cut sessions this past November & December, and we'll be implementing the notes into the next phase of our edit - the FINE CUT!
We even had a surprise appearance by our star Bill the junkman Kennedy! Lucky us...!
January started off with our editors Sarah, Dana and myself working with Fernanda Rossi on a scene by scene analysis of the rough cut. We made good progress on the cut and have officially begun the fine cut. We are continuing our edit in the next few months, and working towards having a fine cut by the end of March!
In the meantime, we've been chatting with Mark Growden and Moe Staiano on composing music for the film, and they are in the process of brainstorming and building out temp music for some scenes.
We are also planning to do a little video shoot to capture some shots of Bill and Kal this week to add to some scenes.
We also visited the BoxShop with our sound designer, Kevin O'Neill, to record some sound effects of machine sounds, metal clanging, and plasma cutting!
We have officially entered the final phase of post-production, which includes editing the fine cut, music and animation production before we hand-off the film to Authors for finishing! We are so close and couldn't have gotten this far without the support and generosity of our community!!
So thank you everyone for making this dream come alive. It's been a long journey, but as you all know it's an incredibly important story to share with the world. Please feel free to share this project with anyone you know who is passionate about the arts and freedom of expression.
Consider making a contribution to our project today!
Your donation will help get us to the finish line and pay for our editor’s time to finalize the edit, and music and animation production. We are also applying for grants, and reaching out to sponsoring organizations to help us through this final phase of Ace in the Hole!
We’re so grateful for how our community has supported this film, whether through donating to our crowdfunding, coming to screenings, or engaging with us on social media. We've raised an impressive $100,000 since the inception of this project through crowdfunding (that means YOU), grants, executive producers, and Yasi's personal contributions. In the coming year, our plan is to bridge the final funding gap by applying for grants, community fundraising, and partnering with Authors Projects to support us in the finishing phase of this film. Join us in kickstarting 2023. Your contribution will get us started on the fine cut and one step closer to the premiere!
Yasi and the Ace in the Hole Team xoxo
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Copyright © 2023 Ace In The Hole, All rights reserved.