What a momentous year it’s been for our little film! Our team blossomed to welcome fabulous editors, animators, producers, assistants and interns. We set a solid post-production plan in motion, started research and outreach for archival content from the community and beyond, cut and paste transcripts for the paper edit, compiled interview and b-roll selects, did lots and lots of reading and editing, created animatics based on storyboarded animation sequences, social channel-ed off the hook, victoriously completed a successful crowdfunding campaign and…so much more I can’t even remember!

Thanks to everyone in our community for believing in us. You totally kept us going through the year. The crowdfunding campaign was a testament to how much this community rocks, and how we root for each other’s hare-brained ideas. My goal with this film is to bring that magic and possibility to everyone else; to model radical inclusivity and boundless creativity, and to empower communities to define themselves. It hasn’t been easy with a global pandemic in full swing, everyone working remotely, and so much uncertainty. We kept going though, and the film is really shaping up to be an exciting San Francisco punk rock fairytale!

Imagine a drag queen getting ready for a show. She puts on her primer, contours her features, and applies a base foundation, ya? That’s what we’ve been working on this past year. We have been setting up the foundation for the edit by diving super deep into the story, looking at all the interviews under a microscope, and putting them in the best possible order for the story to flow. Next year, we add the blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara…and loads of glitter! All the work we put in this year will help the editorial, music, animation and finishing processes go that much smoother. 

Currently, we have a fresh batch of Ace Obtainium Specialist T-shirts in production to get out to those who ordered them before the end of the year. Check your snail mail boxes cuz the bumper stickers are on their way! If you signed up for an experience, keep an eye out for the email address you used to donate with, cuz all correspondence is going there, unless you specified otherwise. When you get your fun on, remember to take a pic and tag @aceintheholedoc! If you need help fulfilling your reward, please email us at info@aceintheholefilm.com (or search your junk mail for that address, you may already have it!)

Thanks everyone! Take care of yourselves and each other.

Yasi & the Ace in the Hole Team

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Ace in the Hole is fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts and Media

All donations are 100% tax deductible